A black and white image of a man who has just had a gallon of milk poured over his head.

Wet is a project about distress. As an artist and as a person, I tend to try and mask my emotions with humor and by joking about how I feel rather than truly confronting or talking about it. So I decided to challenge myself- would putting myself in the path of physical discomfort allow me to share any emotional discomfort?

A black and white image of a young man. He seems distressed.
A black and white image of a man sitting in a puddle and looking up at the camera.
A black and white image of a man standing in a puddle in socks.
A black and white image of a man shaking water off his face.

In this project, I experimented with various deeply unsettling sensations, such as having a gallon of milk dumped on my head without warning, sitting in a freezing shower fully clothed, washing my hair with (non-toxic) watercolor paint, and of course wet socks. The text overlayed on top of the images is actually a custom font I made of my own handwriting, and the lines come from journal entries written during my first year at college. The goal of this project is to feel intimate with the viewer, as if they're walking in on a private moment.